What is tantra or a tantric massage?
Tantra is a way of life, a sense of overall well being with oneself. Tantra incorporates spirituality into sexuality. A tantric massage is a very sacred, sensual massage that revitalizes your senses. Tantric massages utilize life force energy to flow throughout your body.
What is the difference between a tantric massage and fbsm?
A tantric massage focuses on awakening our life force energy inside all of us. This energy has many different benefits including stress relief, healing ailments, mental disorders, past traumas, and clearing blockages. An fbsm is usually just a rubdown with oil.
How long have you been doing this?
I have been practicing tantric massage since 2016.
Where did you learn tantra?
I learned tantra in the summer of 2016 where I attended a tantra retreat in Central America.
Is full service included?
Although my sessions focus on building your sensual energy, full service is not included in any of my sessions.
What can I expect from my session?
You can expect a very relaxing massage that will leave you feeling a sense of joy, contentment, relaxation, and less stress to deal with the outside world.
What will you be wearing?
I will be wearing a very sensual one piece bodysuit during my sessions. I will also be very clean and ask that you come clean as well. If not, I have a clean shower and towels available.
Do you offer any additional services?
I do offer dark tantra sessions as well that focuses on the same aspects of my normal tantra sessions and they also include body to body.
Can I send you flowers or gifts?
Sure! I welcome all flowers or gifts! Just shoot me a text if you would like to send me a gift.
Where are you located?
I am located in a clean, discreet, private residence. Once your session is confirmed, I will give you the address to my location.